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Afterschool Lesson Plan Database

Lesson Plan

Number and Operations: Raul's Apples: Word Problem
Subject: Math
Grade span: 6 to 8
Duration: 30 to 45 minutes
This lesson was excerpted from the Afterschool Training Toolkit under the promising practice: Math Tools


This sample is one example of how you can implement the Math Tools practice. In this lesson, students will use counters, such as pinto beans, and a variety of problem-solving techniques to estimate and determine the solution to Raul's Apples.

Learning Goals:



What to Do:

Teaching Tips:

  • To use manipulatives to explore Raul's Apples, work the problem in reverse using the beans to represent the apples Raul has.
  • Encourage students to begin at the end of the problem, where it states that "he discovers that there are only two left," using two beans to symbolize this.
  • When Raul encounters a friend he gives her "half of the remaining apples, plus two more." When working in reverse it is important to do every step in reverse. Therefore add two more beans to the two already on the table, this represents the reverse of "plus two more."
  • Then to find the reverse of "half the remaining apples" double the apples on the table, so that there are now eight (8) beans. Continue this process with each step of Raul's trip to find the number of apples in the bag at the beginning of the problem.

Evaluate (Outcomes to look for):

Click this link to see additional learning goals, grade-level benchmarks, and standards covered in this lesson.

Online Training for Afterschool Staff
The Afterschool Training Toolkit is available online free of charge.

The following resources can be used with the online Afterschool Training Toolkit to give you the resources you need to build fun, innovative, and academically enriching afterschool activities.