Southwest Educational Development Laboratory

Classroom Compass
Volume 1, Number 1
Spring 1994



These mathematics publications are available from:
National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM)
1906 Association Drive
Reston, Virginia 22091

Assessment Standards for School Mathematics. (In production)
Still in its review stage, this volume will provide standards for effective mathematics assessment systems.

Curriculum and Evaluation Standards: The Addenda Series. 1991. (Prices vary by title from $9.50 to $17.00)
This series of short books provides instructional examples and illustrations to enhance the Curriculum and Professional standards. The practical applications are presented in three grade-level segments (Grades K-6; Grades 5-8; Grades 9-12) and address a variety of mathematical topics (e.g., number sense, patterns, rational numbers, proportions, statistics, data analysis).

Curriculum and Evaluation Standards for School Mathematics. 1989. ($25.00)
Curriculum standards for grades K-12 are outlined with accompanying overview discussion and teaching suggestions. The last third of the book is dedicated to evaluation as a tool to implement reform.

Professional Standards for Teaching Mathematics. 1991. ($25.00)
Issued as a companion to the Curriculum Standards, this book includes teaching, evaluation, and professional development standards for reformed mathematics instruction.

These science publications developed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS), are available from:
Oxford University Press
198 Madison Avenue
New York, NY 10016

Benchmarks for Science Literacy. 1993. ($22.95)
A collection of specific instructional goals, organized by topic, that concentrate on a common core of science learning.

Science for All Americans. 1989. ($12.95)
A thoughtful examination of the basic knowledge, skills, and attitudes all students should acquire from kindergarten through high school in order to achieve science literacy.

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