
Grade 6

Expressions and Equations

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Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.

Understand solving an equation or inequality as a process of answering a question: which values from a specified set, if any, make the equation or inequality true? Use substitution to determine whether a given number in a specified set makes an equation or inequality true.

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Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.

Write an inequality of the form x > c or x < c to represent a constraint or condition in a real-world or mathematical problem. Recognize that inequalities of the form x > c or x < c have infinitely many solutions; represent solutions of such inequalities on number line diagrams.

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Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.

Use variables to represent two quantities in a real-world problem that change in relationship to one another; write an equation to express one quantity, thought of as the dependent variable, in terms of the other quantity, thought of as the independent variable. Analyze the relationship between the dependent and independent variables using graphs and tables, and relate these to the equation. For example, in a problem involving motion at constant speed, list and graph ordered pairs of distances and times, and write the equation d = 65t to represent the relationship between distance and time.


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Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume.

Find the volume of a right rectangular prism with fractional edge lengths by packing it with unit cubes of the appropriate unit fraction edge lengths, and show that the volume is the same as would be found by multiplying the edge lengths of the prism. Apply the formulas V = l w h and V = b h to find volumes of right rectangular prisms with fractional edge lengths in the context of solving real-world and mathematical problems.

The Number System

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Apply and extend previous understandings of numbers to the system of rational numbers.

Understand ordering and absolute value of rational numbers.

Distinguish comparisons of absolute value from statements about order.

Ratios and Proportional Relationships

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Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.

Understand the concept of a unit rate a/b associated with a ratio a:b with b ≠ 0 (b not equal to zero), and use rate language in the context of a ratio relationship.

Statistics and Probability

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Summarize and describe distributions.

Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context, such as by:

  1. Giving quantitative measures of center (median and/or mean) and variability (interquartile range and/or mean absolute deviation), as well as describing any overall pattern and any striking deviations from the overall pattern with reference to the context in which the data was gathered.

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