This project relates to the following ED Priority:

  • Identifying, recruiting, developing, and retaining highly effective teachers and leaders

Related work:
REL Southwest
Educator Effectiveness Research Alliance


REL Southwest logo

Accountability System for Educator Preparation

This project builds on prior work of the TXCC in assisting the Texas Education Agency (TEA) with the analysis of the results from a principal survey regarding how well educator preparation programs (EPPs) prepared beginning teachers for their first year of service. The TXCC is continuing to assist TEA with training module revisions and process improvement and refinement related to survey administration. Also, in Year 4, TXCC will collaborate with TEA on survey development and administration for a newly added fifth accountability standard that will focus on teacher satisfaction assessed at the end of a teacher's first year in the classroom.

Previous Work Updates



TXCC staff provided support to the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to prepare for the upcoming State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) August board meeting on proposed changes to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 229, Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP). TXCC also continues to support TEA’s broader efforts to create a teacher preparation accountability reporting system. As part of this work, TXCC presented the completed data inventory and memo to TEA based on the 2014-15 metrics and is in discussion around updating the data inventory for 2016-17. TXCC also presented the draft ASEP annual report to TEA and prepared a policy scan for the agency that examines states with tiered licensure systems and the requirements for teacher certification seekers for each kind of initial license within a tiered system. In collaboration with the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Southwest, TXCC staff completed and submitted the 2014-15 survey analysis for Standard 2: Principal Appraisal of First-Year Teachers. TXCC provided TEA with an annotated user guide for the analysis as well as the final analysis results and accompanying data dictionary. Additionally, TXCC worked with its partners to present the first organizational draft sections of an accountability manual detailing the data and definitions that will appear in the accountability system.


In June, TXCC staff assisted Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff in delivering a workshop for the State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) members on the need for proposing changes to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 229, the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP). The workshop provided information on other states’ approaches tomulti-tiered teacher licenses and on career pathways for teachers who obtained a probationary certificate in Texas, including a spotlight on teachers who go on to receive a standard teaching certificate or leave their teaching positions in less than one year. TXCC also continued to make significant progress towards completing a data inventory of all reporting metrics that are a part of Chapter 229. In addition, TXCC also worked on organizing and analyzing the data that are part of the required annual reporting as part of ASEP under three reporting mechanisms: (1) Minimum Accountability Standards – TEC 21.045(a); (2) Minimum Annual Performance Report Indicators – TEC 21.045(b); and (3) Consumer Information – TEC 21.0452(b). Preparations are underway to obtain the 2015-16 data for processing since the survey administration period ended on June 15. TEA and TXCC are also beginning discussions around examining long-term trends and analyses now that several years of principal survey data are available. Finally, TEA and client engagement staff at the American Institutes for Research (AIR) connected around how TXCC can help TEA to report ASEP indicators annually through a redesigned consumer information website.


TXCC staff has been supporting the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to prepare for the upcoming State Board of Educator Certification (SBEC) June board meeting on proposed changes to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC), Chapter 229, Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP). TXCC staff has worked to prepare data analysis on proposed changes to the performance standards for Standard 2 (the principal survey) and Standard 4 (the quality of field supervision). TEA is also hosting a pre-SBEC meeting workshop, which will explore some of the state teacher licensure and certification procedures. Data analyses are being conducted by TXCC for the workshop to examine the number of teachers on a probationary certificate that never become fully certified and the number of teachers who abandoned their teaching contract. TXCC staff plan to help facilitate and present Educator Preparation Program (EPP) data and policies from across the nation. TEA also continues to support TEA’s larger efforts to create a teacher preparation accountability reporting system. As part of this work, TXCC worked with its partners to present first organizational drafts of an accountability manual detailing the data and definitions that will appear in the accountability system. Additionally, TXCC has been working to provide TEA a policy scan that examines states with tiered licensure systems and the requirements for teacher certification seekers for each kind of initial license within a tiered system.


TXCC staff continued to work with Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff in the Division of Educator Leadership and Quality to plan for the eventual creation and display of annual educator preparation program (EPP) accountability data and other reporting metrics through an online reporting system. This month, TEA and TXCC staff explored both accountability manuals and online public data reporting systems within other states. Additionally, the data audit meetings between TXCC and TEA have continued regularly as staff work towards understanding the reporting metrics and available data within the current TEA data system. TXCC and TEA staff also began regular meetings to understand the data cleaning and analysis of the Standard 2 Principal Survey of first-year teachers to initiate the transition for TEA to manage and oversee the entire process.


TXCC staff continued to work with Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff in Educator Leadership and Quality to plan for the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) meetings in April and June. As part of the preparation, TXCC provided TEA with data analysis on the impact of the proposed amendments to ASEP, which includes performance measures for educator preparation program accreditation under Chapter 229 of the Texas Education Code (TEC). TEA is planning an in-depth discussion on this topic for SBEC members prior to the June SBEC meeting, which will propose changes to TEC for consideration by the State Board of Education. TEA also continues to support TEA’s larger efforts to create a teacher preparation accountability reporting system. As part of this work, TXCC is conducting a data audit on the reporting metrics that will be included in the reporting system. The data audit meetings between TXCC and TEA have continued regularly. Additionally, TXCC has been working to provide TEA with a comparison of similar states with online public data and reporting systems for teacher preparation.


TXCC staff continued to work with Texas Education Agency (TEA) staff in Educator Leadership and Quality to plan for the State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) meeting in April. TEA is providing SBEC with recommendations for proposed rule changes to 19 Texas Administrative Code (TAC) Chapter 229 related to establishing standards to govern the approval of and provide continuing accountability for educator preparation programs (EPPs). As part of these recommendations, TXCC prepared analyses related to outcomes for Standards 2 and 4 under the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) to guide the standard setting process. In addition, TXCC began regular meetings with TEA to conduct a data audit of all the accountability reporting metrics that will be published annually as part of the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP), including minimal annual report indicators and minimum consumer information. As part of this work, TXCC staff also began initial conversations with TEA around building an accountability manual that will provide readers with an understanding of and definitions for the accountability metrics that will be reported out annually.


TXCC staff worked with staff from the Division of Educator Leadership and Quality at the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to plan new areas of work that are emerging as part of the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP) and to continue work on Standard 2, the principal survey of first-year teachers. The team meet to identify milestones and to create a timeline for the larger accountability reporting system for educator preparation programs (EPPs) that would include a larger set of reporting metrics that would be reported annually to the public. The project team also made progress updating the final template to be used for the Standard 2 individual EPP principal survey results. Final quality assurance checks on the data and formatting will continue through February, and the reports are expected to be available for EPPs to review shortly. TXCC staff are also assisting TEA to prepare for the April State Board for Educator Certification (SBEC) meeting, which will review standard setting options related to Standard 2, the principal survey, and the new Standard 5 (the teacher satisfaction survey).



In the month of December, TXCC met with the Associate Commissioner of Educator Leadership and Quality, the Director of Educator Preparation Programs, and other TEA staff to plan additional work in three areas related to educator preparation: (1) the addition of a fifth standard to the Accountability System of Educator Preparation (ASEP) that is a survey of first-year teachers; (2) indicators of performance based on an annual performance report; and (3) consumer information reported by TEA on its website related to teacher candidate completion, performance, preparation, and satisfaction. The team met several times to generate priority areas and goals and to develop a working timeline for rollout of the additional performance indicators and new survey.


The TXCC team met with TEA in November to discuss timelines and milestones for the principal survey analysis and reporting from the Spring 2015 survey administration on the preparation of teachers in their first year. The team also discussed emerging work that TEA is addressing for the upcoming year related to the addition of a fifth standard (a new survey of first-year teachers) that will be added to ASEP, as well as some additional data reporting elements that will be part of the consumer information website and indicators for an Annual Performance Report. The team will continue discussions and generating ideas around the best ways that TXCC can support the Agency in these emerging efforts.


TXCC has been communicating with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) on the progress of the final reports for the 2013-14 principal survey. In addition, TXCC outlined data specifications for TEA to review in order to facilitate the data transfer process for the 2014-15 principal survey. TXCC and TEA are developing milestones and a timeline for the coming round of survey analysis and reporting. The team also is having discussions about additional work related to a new fifth standard for the Accountability System of Education Preparation (ASEP) that would be an end-of-year survey of first-year teachers on the training they received through their educator preparation programs.


TXCC and TEA staff met to discuss findings from the latest round of survey analysis for the principal survey data, including documenting lessons learned and next steps for improving the data administration and analysis cycle. In addition, the teams talked about how the knowledge gained from working on Standard 2 might be applied to a new Standard 5 that was approved by the state legislature to survey first-year teachers on their experiences and preparation they received from their educator preparation programs. The team also talked about looking across all five standards more broadly for a holistic approach to Accountability System for Educator Preparation. TXCC is in the process of making preparations for engaging in the next round of data cleaning and analysis from the principal survey that closed in June of 2015.


The data cleaning and validation of the principal survey being conducted as part of a REL Southwest Fast Response project continued through the month of August. TXCC conducted some internal quality assurance checks on the data to ensure reliability. The preliminary data analysis has been completed and a meeting has been scheduled with the Texas Education Agency in early September to review the results and discuss their implications for Standard 2 of ASEP.


In June, TXCC received some additional data elements from TEA that will be incorporated into the revised principal survey reports for Standard 2 of the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP). These data elements include some collapsed teacher certification categories and the location of the educator preparation programs (EPPs) by education service center (ESC). With a complete set of data related to the principal survey, the REL Southwest, through a Fast Response study, began the final data cleaning and analysis. Following completion of a quality assurance process, TXCC will share preliminary results with TEA in late July. After these steps have been completed, the principal survey results for all EPPs will be populated into the final Standard 2 principal survey report template and will be made available for public distribution through TEA.


Based on feedback from TEA, TXCC implemented various design and data elements into the redesign of the Standard 2 reports for the principal survey of first-year teachers. TEA and TXCC have talked through various elements of the report, including its purpose, audience, and message, and made changes to the report based on these discussions. In addition, TXCC, TEA, and a university expert on teacher training programs convened in order to brainstorm additional analyses, data, and questions that might be generated from existing data sets to answer additional questions related to teacher preparation in Texas. TXCC will follow up to see which of these ideas are feasible and of interest to TEA.


TXCC continued its work with TEA in redesigning and refining the educator preparation programs (EPPs) reports on Standard 2 accountability outcomes from the principal survey. TXCC met with TEA staff twice to go over design elements and talk through best approaches for presenting the data in a way that is informative to potential consumers (e.g., those enrolling in teacher preparation programs) as well as to EPPs. TEA and TXCC are working together to bring in additional descriptive information about the EPPs, including certification area, type, and grade levels, in order to produce more informative reports. In collaboration with the REL Southwest, work continued on the data cleaning and validation of the 2013-2014 principal survey data. TXCC has begun to troubleshoot with TEA some data questions in order to ensure that a reliable sample of first-year teachers is included in the final survey results.


TXCC staff had three main goals to accomplish in the month of March for Standard 2. The first was to continue working on redesigning the individual reports for educator preparation programs (EPPs) in the state on Standard 2 accountability outcomes from the principal survey. Part of this redesign includes incorporating feedback from EPPs during the February Advisory Board meeting as well as from meetings with TEA related to the purpose of the reports. TXCC staff spent time talking through specific ways of presenting the principal survey data that would be user-friendly and informative for audiences. They are working on producing a mock-up report that will be shared with TEA in the April TEA/TXCC team meeting. The second goal was to begin the early stages of the data cleaning and validation process on the 2013–14 principal survey data. During March, TXCC and REL Southwest staff, who are coordinating in this effort, began to review the data to check for any inconsistencies and to ensure that only eligible first-year teachers are included in the data file. Any data questions or issues were forwarded to TEA for review. The data cleaning and validation process will continue through April when the data analysis will begin to generate outcomes by EPPs for the 2013–14 survey administration. Third, TXCC staff worked with staff from TEA’s Office of Educator Leadership and Quality to revise and update the three Principal Survey modules for principals, superintendents, and human resource personnel. The module revisions were for design, text, visual, or voice-over changes as well as attachment of several new document downloads. The changes were reviewed and approved and the modules were published to the Internet in conjunction with the opening of the principal survey in April 2015.


TXCC staff presented at an Educator Preparation Programs (EPP) Advisory Board meeting at TEA on February 2 to gather feedback on the reports and dissemination process for Standard 2 of the Accountability System for Educator Preparation. TXCC and TEA staff processed the feedback during their monthly team meeting and discussed changes for the next round of principal survey data analysis and the subsequent survey administration. To help ensure that the reports are informative and streamlined for public reporting, TXCC staff is working to incorporate this feedback in redesign of the reports generated for Standard 2. Finally, in February, TXCC received the 2013–14 principal survey data from TEA and is coordinating with REL Southwest (REL SW) to facilitate the data analysis and reporting aspect of Standard 2 as part of a REL SW Fast Response study.


TXCC and TEA met as a team to follow up on the progress of the principal survey data transfer process between TEA and TXCC staff, as well as to troubleshoot any questions or issues related to the data. TXCC staff also prepared for an upcoming Educator Preparation Program (EPP) Advisory Council meeting in early February to share ideas around options for describing and presenting the data from the Standard 2 Principal Survey in individual EPP reports. The purpose of meeting with the EPP Advisory Council is to gather feedback around these ideas to improve the clarity and usefulness of the data and charts provided as part of the Standard 2 reporting process.



The TXCC and the TEA met to follow up on the progress of the principal survey data transfer process as well as to troubleshoot any questions or issues related to the data. TXCC staff discussed with TEA the possibility of presenting a mock-up Standard 2 EPP report to a group of educator preparation programs (EPP) representatives at an upcoming TEA meeting in early February. The mock-up report would contain additional charts and tables that provide further clarity around the data and outcomes for Standard 2. Sharing this mock-up at the meeting would allow TEA and TXCC to obtain feedback from EPPs on the clarity and usefulness of additional charts and analyses in order to improve the utility of the Standard 2 reporting format and process.


TXCC generated ideas and examples around alternative ways to visualize the principal survey data so that results can be meaningful as well as easy to understand and interpret. TXCC met with TEA about these data visualization ideas and staff worked together to prioritize the kinds of helpful data and analyses that might increase the utility around the principal survey output. In November, SEDL received approval from the U.S. Department of Education to utilize resources from the Regional Educational Laboratory (REL) Southwest for survey data analysis. The combination of these resources will allow TXCC to dedicate more time towards assisting TEA staff in developing, documenting, and improving processes for Standard 2. Finally, TXCC continues to follow up on the progress of the principal survey data transfer process so that the REL Southwest can begin analysis of the 2013–14 data.


During a face-to-face meeting at the end of October, TEA and TXCC discussed the process for implementing data checks in the Public Information Management System (PIEMS) and educator preparation program (EPP) data to produce reliable, useful data related to the principal survey. Plans were established for TXCC to assist in the data analysis of the 2013–14 principal survey, with the possibility of utilizing additional support services from the Regional Educational Laboratories (REL) Southwest. TXCC will also take the lead in generating additional data visualizations in the form of charts and outputs that may provide more informative feedback for EPPs and districts on the six different areas included in the survey. TXCC and TEA program staff are also beginning to brainstorm any needed changes to the principal survey training modules in advance of administering the principal survey in March 2015.


During the month of August, TXCC staff concluded work related to the analysis of the principal survey results from the 2012–2013 school year and began to plan for the next round of survey analysis for Standard 2 of the Accountability System for Educator Preparation (ASEP). This additional piece of work involved producing individual reports for all educator preparation programs (EPP), which included results at an EPP level on individual survey items as well a comparison with state-level results for the 2012–2013 school year. In addition, leadership staff at TXCC met with staff from the Texas Education Agency (TEA) to discuss how the Comprehensive Center can support the Agency with ASEP in the coming year. A subsequent meeting between TEA and TXCC leadership and program staff will follow in September to discuss ASEP in general, the principal survey, and how these pieces fit into the larger portfolio of work in Texas related to creating highly-effective teachers and leaders.


TXCC staff coordinated with the Texas Education Agency (TEA) on an additional request for the Principal Survey analysis work by producing a template for individual Educator Preparation Program (EPP) results on the survey outcomes. In addition, TXCC staff drafted a timeline and milestones document to guide the process and streamline efforts between TEA and TXCC for the EPP principal survey work for the coming year.


TXCC drafted a report for TEA in June to summarize the analysis and outcomes across educator preparation programs that meet current accountability guidelines under Standard 2. Preparations are also underway to begin obtaining and processing the 2013–14 principal survey data for analysis.


TXCC staff worked together with TEA to finalize a few additional business rules around eligible first-year teachers. Together, they established a threshold for principal surveys: surveys must meet a minimum survey-item response rate in order to provide the most valid results. These results determine an educator preparation program’s (EPP) accountability outcome on Standard 2. In addition, TXCC staff worked with TEA staff to understand some additional data cleaning procedures taken by TEA with the principal survey data.


In April, the team at TEA met to discuss additions to the current business rules related to the data for the EPP Principal Survey. TEA shared their final business rule modifications with the TXCC that will allow for completion of data validation and analysis for the 2012–2013 Principal Survey results.


TXCC staff completed updates to the three Principal Survey modules for principals, superintendents, and human resource personnel and sent them to the director of TEA's Office of Educator Leadership and Quality for review. The revisions included text, graphical, and voice-over changes as well as several new document downloads that are made available to the users. The changes were approved and the modules published to the Internet. The Principal Survey modules are available for the opening of the principal survey in May 2014. Also in March, TXCC staff continued to finalize the data cleaning and validation procedures on the 2012–13 Principal Survey data. TXCC staff is working with TEA to resolve any data questions that are not currently addressed in the standing business rules created in 2012. Final analysis will be completed and survey results compiled once these business rule decisions have been finalized and related data questions have been settled.


In February, TXCC staff met with the director of TEA's Office of Educator Leadership and Quality to discuss revisions of the Principal Survey modules. They collaboratively identified ways to update the current modules and the documents and graphics needed to accomplish the updates in time for the Agency to make the Principal Survey available in Spring 2014. TXCC staff also worked on data cleaning and validation of the Principal Survey data from 2012–13 in order to analyze and report outcomes for Standard 2 of the Accountability System for Education Preparation (ASEP). Subsequent steps will involve re-engaging TEA in the data validation process to verify business rules around the data and to assure reliability and accuracy in the analysis and reporting of outcomes.


TXCC staff met with TEA staff to discuss the design, revision, and development of online modules for the 2014 principal survey for principals, human resource personnel, and superintendents. The staff discussed feedback from the 2013 survey development and dissemination, as well as modifications that will need to be incorporated to accommodate the TEA schedule for administration of the survey. The staff set a tentative timeline for development and delivery of the videos for spring 2014.



From late September through early October, TXCC staff collaborated with TEA on plans for organizing the principal survey data on educator preparation programs (EPPs) in Texas. This survey was completed by Texas school principals who had EPP graduates serving as first-year teachers during the 2012–13 school year. The TXCC supported TEA in creating a template for the data specifications and in establishing a timeline for the data validation and analysis of the principal survey data. With clearly defined specifications and a secure file-transfer process established, TXCC staff will next begin to assist with analysis of the survey responses in order to determine a measure for EPPs on the quality of their teacher preparation under the state’s Accountability System for Educator Preparation.


Prior to the initial launch of the principal survey scheduled for May 2nd, TXCC finalized the online video modules with TEA and provided Web hosting for the videos and related PDF documents. The principal survey portal opened on May 6th and will close June 28th.


TXCC staff worked with TEA to finish the design and review of three online videos about completing the principal survey: one each for principals, human resource personnel, and superintendents. The videos will help principals become familiar with how to access and complete the surveys for first-year teachers on their campuses. The videos for human resource personnel and superintendents will guide them through accessing and monitoring completion of the principal survey, as well as how to assist principals, if necessary, in completing this requirement. The principal survey window will open for submissions on May 7, 2013.


In March, TXCC and TEA staff focused on the dissemination of information and resources needed to ensure that principals completed surveys for all of the first year teachers at their schools. These staff members met to revise and update online videos that principals, superintendents, and human resource personnel can view to learn how to access and complete the principal surveys. The TXCC instructional designer and course developer began editing and creating new elements in the modules to explain changes in log-in procedures for accessing the application—listing the surveys by principals and by first-year teachers. In addition, TXCC & TEA staff members worked together to plan a webinar that human resource personnel can attend or view in archival form to learn how to support and monitor the completion of the principal surveys for their districts. These tools will help meet the need for providing assistance to principals or district leaders who have a questions or need additional information about the requirements or procedures for completing the principal surveys.


TXCC staff held a meeting with TEA leadership and staff working on the principal survey to follow-up on suggestions for process improvement generated during the January meeting. It was decided that roster verification linking first-year teachers to schools and principals would occur at the central office level with the individual responsible for human resources (HR) activities. Compared to verification completed at the principal level, contacting HR staff will dramatically reduce the total number of person-to-person communications as well as help improve overall data integrity. TXCC will provide assistance in helping to ensure that contact information for HR staff is accurate. Decisions regarding process revision related to the reporting of survey data by preparation program will be made after rollout of the survey when additional time is available.


In January, TXCC staff met with leadership from the office of educator standards and certification to discuss the principal survey and to determine what assistance TXCC could provide. The group collaboratively identified potential ways in which various processes related to the survey could be modified to improve efficiency and sustainability over time.