SEDL Insights, Vol. 1, No. 4: Teaching Mathematics Conceptually

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Author: Concepcion Molina

Price: Available free online
• Published: 2014   

Available online: electronic file, PDF

Mathematics instruction in the United States has historically focused on procedures, facts, and algorithms. Because of that focus, mathematics instruction, in essence, becomes lessons in arithmetic and efficiency. While there are promising changes occurring in mathematics instruction, we still need to help both teachers and students develop a more conceptual understanding of mathematics. This issue of SEDL Insights helps educators shift from helping students memorize rules to facilitating a deeper understanding of mathematics concepts.

SEDL Insights on Teaching Mathematics Conceptually

  1. Use instructional language with care.
  2. Emphasize concepts instead of algorithms and shortcuts.
  3. Avoid naked numbers.
  4. Help students make connections among concepts.