The National Center for Quality Afterschool

Helping local practitioners and state education agencies develop high-quality and balanced programs

About the Center

Training Services

Staff Professional Development Sessions: Mathematics

Aligning Afterschool Mathematics with State Standards

How can afterschool programs support learning math in ways that are different from the school-day program? What math concepts should students be developing? What are some hands-on, engaging, instructional activities that can be provided? This session provides research-based information to answer these questions and more.

Integrating Mathematics into Afterschool

Through collaborative dialogue and hands-on activities, participants will engage in high-quality mathematics learning and gain awareness of practices that support the enrichment of mathematics in an afterschool setting. Questions to be explored include the following: What is the role of afterschool time in mathematics achievement?; what is high-quality mathematics enrichment?; and how does our understanding of mathematics impact our ability to effectively support high-quality mathematics learning?

Good Questioning Practices That Support Mathematics Learning in Afterschool Programs

Questioning is a challenging but powerful practice for fostering understanding in mathematics. Using a vignette developed from an authentic afterschool site, you will engage in a dialogue with colleagues about the questions asked and the learning that results. You will leave with guidelines for questioning that support mathematics learning for all children.

Ready to Learn?

Contact us to discuss your professional development needs and how the Center can assist you.

Online Training for Afterschool Staff
The Afterschool Training Toolkit is available online free of charge.

The following resources can be used with the online Afterschool Training Toolkit to give you the resources you need to build fun, innovative, and academically enriching afterschool activities.