A-Z List of Free SEDL Publications

Below is a list of SEDL publications available free online. There are additional publications available in the SEDL Store, where SEDL lists the publications available for sale.

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What Can a Mathematics Teacher Do for the English Language Learner? (2009)
Based on a 2006 professional development session for math and ESL specialists, this online interactive document includes teaching strategies for ELLs at various levels, critical components to include when designing math lessons for ELLs, and a list of relevant resources.
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What Do We Mean by "Family and Community Connections with Schools?" (2002)
This strategy brief was produced by SEDL's National Center for Family and Community Connections with Schools, part of SEDL's Regional Educational Laboratory contract. The Center links people with research-based information and resources that they can use to effectively connect schools, families, and communities.
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What Works? Common Practices in High Functioning Afterschool Programs: The National Partnership for Quality Afterschool Learning Final Report (2008)
In an effort to identify and incorporate quality practices into existing and future afterschool programs, the U.S. Department of Education commissioned the National Partnership for Quality Afterschool Learning (National Partnership) to study high functioning 21st Century Community Learning Center programs. The purpose of this study was to document practices to be used to develop resources and professional development that address issues relating to the establishment and sustainability of afterschool programs, to provide models and indicators of promising practices, and to highlight other descriptive information that local sites can access in planning new afterschool programs or improve existing ones.
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When the Best Is the Enemy of the Good: The Nature of Research Evidence Used in Systematic Reviews and Guidelines (2009)
The Task Force on Systematic Review and Guidelines developed this paper to explore critical issues related to the "gold standard" for research designs, the emergence of systematic reviews, and the implications for evidence-based rehabilitation and clinical practice.
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Will our Phones Go Dead? The Changing Role of the Central Office: Issues About Change, Volume 2, Number 4 (1993)
This paper proposes new roles for central office staff, illustrated with examples from three school districts. It explains site-based management, lists nine metaphors used to describe the new administrator's functions, and describes three school districts undergoing transformation from central control to site-based management.
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Working Systemically in Action: Engaging Family & Community (2010)
Many educators recognize the importance of family and community involvement in school improvement efforts and are seeking to reframe the way they engage these groups. This publication, which supplements Working Systemically in Action: A Facilitator’s Guide (No longer available, as the publication has been replaced by the book, Getting Serious About the System), provides practical guidance for educators who are seeking to engage family and community members in systemic school improvement efforts.
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